Roxy was relieved when they finally arrived at Jess' mom's place. Of course the feeling didn't last long. She got out of the car and took a deep breath. She finally felt like she could breath. She had been struggling to get air into her lungs during the trip. But now she had to face a whole new level of stress. She hadn't felt so out of place in years. She didn't belong here. This house belonged to a family. Something she had never had. Roxy honestly didn't know how to deal with this situation or the emotions it stirred. She shoved as much of the emotions as possible aside. They wouldn't help anyone. Roxy followed Jess to the door. She tried not to notice the joy in the older woman's eyes. She knew no one would ever look at her like that. She stood behind Jess doing her best to be invisible and not attracted attention. She tried to convince herself that she was fine with both of them ignored her all weekend. This weekend was for them. Not her. Nothing was for her. Distracted by her own thoughts Roxy almost didn't her Jess' mom talking to her. [color=blue]"I'm here." [/color]She answered simply. What else could she say? The older woman didn't want to know the truth. No one ever did. She had accepted that long ago.