Did Kai have to be so loud all the time? Cielle tried to ignore the few looks they got, although she personally found Kai's ignorance to be more embarrassing. Could he have just a [I]little[/I] self awareness? That couldn't be too much to ask for, could it? Maybe she had expected too much out of him. No, she had promised herself to take it easy on the poor child. Of course, she had to stop herself from laughing at that thought, as they were probably the same age, but his mannerisms made her think otherwise. As he suggested to look for more clues (and wondering what the heck he meant by 'scoob'. What is a 'scoob'?) Cielle was glad to see he was finally focused. The cold that had suddenly come in bristled Cielle's skin, making her shudder. It reminded her very much of a Blizzard spell, though considering where they were, magic looked like it was out of the ordinary for this world. Indeed, the many nobles had shrunk back from the source of the change in temperature. Narrowing her eyes, Cielle looked at Kai, though was temporarily dismayed to see he had fallen. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, she wordlessly pulled the blonde to his feet. She motioned towards the crowd, and together the pair managed to push through. Of course things weren't so simple, and Cielle then threw her arm up to stop Kai from walking into a very sharp icicle. Where did this come from? She spotted Elsa next to the door on the other side of the magic, and it clicked that Elsa was the one that had caused it. Anna was on the same side they were, clutching one of Elsa's gloves and looking more confused than frightened like the other nobles. Elsa finally moved, throwing the doors open and running out. "Elsa!" Anna called out, giving chase, and she noticed one of the nobles--a dark haired man--follow her as well. "[color=deepskyblue][I]That[/I] counts as something unusual. Let's go,[/color]" Cielle told Kai, following Anna's lead as she avoided Elsa's icicles. As Cielle reached outside, she noticed the fountain had been frozen as well, spotting Elsa's violet cape in the distance. Jumping over some ice on the stairs, she nearly caught up to Anna and the unknown gentleman, though she let out a gasp as she spotted a magical symbol on the water. Elsa was truly the source of the magic, further proven as she ran across the water, each step freezing the surface beneath her. Anna meant to continue after her, though she slipped, the man catching her. "It's not safe!" He told the redhead, who seemed desperate to follow Elsa. Coming to a halt, Cielle exhaled, noticing that she could see her breath. Her eyes landed on the water, and she was surprised to see the entirety of the fiord freeze over. The air quickly made her shiver, and she realized it was actually snowing. How peculiar. Looking at her companion, she crossed her arms, lightly rubbing her elbows. "[color=deepskyblue]We should ask Anna what happened,[/color]" She told Kai, frowning slightly. "[color=deepskyblue]This sudden change in weather, the ice in the castle...it looks like the Queen has a few tricks up her sleeve.[/color]"