[quote=@bowtiesrcool86] Legendary divi list: [hider] Cosmog/Cosmem - Chuck Solgaleo - Jenn Lunala - Mike Nihilego - ? Buzzwole - Shiranui Phermosa - Veronica Xurkitree (there are 2 of it) - Sashia,? Kartana (4 of it) - Chuck, Shiranui, Liam,? Celesteela (there are 2 of it) - Chuck and Sashia Guzzlord- Noel Necrozma- Noel Tapu Koko-? Tapu Lele- Noel Tapu Bulu - Chuck Tapu Fini - Veronica Magearna - ? Marshadow- Chuck Poipole/Naganadel - Liam Stakataka- Shiranui Blacephalon-Noelaniwi Zeraora - Chuck Type: Null/Silvally #3 - Chuck (1 is owned by Gladion, 2 is owned by Mike) [/hider] [/quote] Can I ask something? I've read the list and did the maths. Why does Chuck get 6 legendary Pokemon which is about +2 more then anyone else?