[hider=Taylor Carson] [center] [color=LightGreen][h1]Taylor Carson[/h1][/color][hr] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/DapperFarCatbird-max-1mb.gif[/img] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/04e28adddf3f2de1e819e5ae9560668b/tenor.gif[/img][img]https://i.giphy.com/media/oW4csEbiMzVjq/giphy.webp[/img][hr] [i]"Clawing your way to the top while fighting through hell makes victory all the sweeter"[/i][hr] [/center] [b]Age:[/b]18 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]Hetrosexual [hr] [center][color=LightGreen][h1]Personality[/h1][/color][hr][/center] [b]Positive Traits:[/b] - Intelligent - Caring - Driven - Self-Sufficient [b]Negative Traits:[/b] - Selfish at times - Snobbish attitude - Reclusive - Weak [b]Likes:[/b] - Computers - Reading - Gaming [b]Dislikes:[/b] - Large Social Gatherings - Needing to ask for help - Sports, Except E-Sports Complete the following test to the best of your ability. Look at the two words, on a scale of one to ten (With one being on the left, ten on the right and 5 being neutral) how closely do you identify with the following words: [center] Extroverted [b]10[/b] Introverted Lazy [b]04[/b] Active Greedy [b]04[/b] Generous Sensing [b]10[/b] Intuition Shy [b]03[/b] Outgoing Sarcastic [b]04[/b] Silly Thinker [b]01[/b] Feeler Sloppy [b]06[/b] Neat Clumsy [b]03[/b] Graceful Judging [b]05[/b] Perceiving Hotheaded [b]05[/b] Calm Lifeless [b]04[/b] Energetic Grouchy [b]03[/b] Nice Passive [b]02[/b] Aggressive Low-Self Esteem [b]02[/b] Confident Serious [b]01[/b] Playful Sensitive [b]02[/b] Unemotional Absent Minded [b]10[/b] Focused Naive [b]06[/b] Experienced Easy-Going [b]06[/b] Hard-Headed Clueless [b]06[/b] Observant Childish [b]06[/b] Mature Weak [b]01[/b] Strong Safe [b]03[/b] Risk-Taker Coward [b]03[/b] Brave Nondrinker [b]03[/b] Alcoholic Good [b]04[/b] Evil Idiot [b]10[/b] Genius Un-flirty [b]02[/b] Flirty Perverted [b]08[/b] Unperverted Un-creative [b]06[/b] Creative Sexual [b]01[/b] Pure Disloyal [b]07[/b] Loyal Negative [b]03[/b] Positive Unromantic [b]06[/b] Hopeless-Romantic Envious [b]04[/b] Satisfied [/center] [hr] [center][color=LightGreen][h1]History[/h1][/color][hr][/center] [hr] [b]Family Members:[/b] Madison Carson - 45 - Mother - Unemployed Richard Carson - 48 - Father - Unemployed Gregory Carson - 75 - Grandfather - Retired [b]History (From Birth to High School Grad):[/b] For Taylor, life has been a battle from day one. Born to a mother and father who couldn't really care about his existence, Taylor has had to fight for everything he has today. Alongside not caring for him, his parents were alcoholics. His parents wanted nothing to do with him. So it came as not surprise to anyone that as soon as he started school he threw himself into his studies and school life, trying to spend as much time as possible at school and not wanting to go home. It wasn't until he reached his teen years that everything came to a head. His disagreements and arguments with his parents had finally reached too much and Taylor tried to run away. He was taken in by his grandpa who he has been staying with upto this day. In order to help his retired grandpa make ends meet, Taylor started to work several part time jobs, helping at restaurants and stores. It was at this point Taylor started to really blossom in his academic career. Those years of working hard in school had paid off as his grades were rising to the top. At the age of 15, Taylor had enough money to but an old laptop for to use while at his granddads. He would spend many a night at home taking it apart with a screwdriver and putting it all together. It was around this time that he started to develop his love for computers, despite not having internet. School life was going to get harder too, as the bullies who had up until this point had avoided him, suddenly started making him the focus of their attention. Pushing Taylor further into isolation, he began to spend more and more time with his old laptop, furthering his knowledge of computing in the process. When he turned 16, he began to devise an idea for a small computer that could fit in the palm of your hand. To build something of that power and size was a challenge and he spent the later part of his high school career, trying to build one between jobs. Three months before graduation, he finally managed to do complete his prototype, paid for using spare funds he had available from his jobs. Sadly his salaries never gave him enough money to be able to build more of them, so now he is raise funds to try and build more. [/hider]