[quote=@Inkarnate] Anthem will be a mess and will flop. EA-owned Bioware has lost all of its support network at this point. [/quote] [quote=@Sierra] Don't worry. EA [i]will[/i] ensure this is a disaster. I don't care what they've said, you cannot convince me that a loot-driven online (co-op) RPG is not absolute pay-2-win bait. I give it 3 months post-launch before its a money pit. [/quote] What a bunch of Grumpy-Gusses. I admit EA has monetized a lot of games like with bethesda's ESO, and SWTOR, but it's not pay to win necessarily. Of course there's going to be store items but that's how they keep making money to release more content. I'm still stoked for it. :P