[@vancexentan] [color=fff200][i] Verdrehte[/i][/color] The young man looked quite surprised seeing the rather small hole blown though the boy's head, Thankfully his mask was hiding his expression of horror on his mask. He was use to stealing and thief but not killing, But it seemed if he wanted to survive then he would have to get use to it. But still it would take sometime for him to get use to death, Rubbing his neck and following the others to wherever they were going. Looking and hearing the words Shade Walker was saying making him want to impress and keep him form having a hole though his head, Looking towards the one named East a smile on his face although again hidden. "Well if we are introducing ourselves then my name is Verdrehte and well my quirk is i can contort my like so" He said demonstrate his powers, Leaning backwards and holding onto his legs with his head peeking though his legs. Lowering himself a bit and lifting his left leg over his head and his other leg underneath him which peeked out a little. "I can also squeeze my body though tight spaces which makes it easy for me steal" He said straightening himself up. "So do we wait for our next missions? What do we do while we wait?" He asked East wondering if their was any books to read or toys to play with.