I feel like comic book movies get a lot of shit. A bad movie is a bad movie, no matter if it's comic book or not. As far as I'm concerned. Hell, you're speaking to a Star Wars fan that can sit through the Sequels without throwing a tantrum, ironically I feel like a lot of butthurt fans are being represented by the actions of Kylo Ren. I just feel like movie culture has gotten to a point where it's pretty toxic, you really do get torn down for liking an unpopular movie, or even brand. The same way you get torn apart for the opposite, before the sequels came out "Oh I don't really like Star Wars." "YOU FUCKING WHAT?!" People in my head just get too obsessed over it, and forget that the most important part of seeing movies is having fun and just relaxing for a couple of hours. That said there [i]are[/i] some bad films out there, but I feel like that's nothing to do with franchises and more Hollywood just trying to be a money factory.