Caleb awoke with a grunt as he adjusted in the bed. The nurse glared st him as she approached and sighed. “How many times are you going to come see me?” She said smirking as Caleb tried to produce a smile but all he managed was a weak one that caused the nurse to laugh softly. “Good news is you can leave tomorrow. Bad news is no extracurricular for at least a weak. How you keep doing this to yourself is beyond me but please practice restraint,” the said before placing a motherly hand on Caleb’s head before leaving the room. It wasn’t long before visitors showed up but who showed up was not someone he expected. Sam, Alex, Jeremy, and Ariana had come first but then Morgan showed up nd it set everyone on edge. Caleb tried to relax, but they’d told him what was going on as son as they’d arrived so to see Morgan there in front of him was irritating to say the least. Just as Caleb was about to tell him to leave Ambrose showed up and Morgan spoke. “What do you want?” Caleb asked trying not to strain himself. “You’re not the type to give information without something in return. So what do you want?” Caleb said giving Morgan the most hateful look.