[@KatherinWinter][@Blueflame] [color=0087BD][center]Rost[/center][/color] A tall, blonde man in a blue jacket and carrying a large and very old leather-bound book appeared behind the director shortly after the agency's leader reached Mason's cell . The scholarly man was thumbing through the velum pages of the tome, seemingly searching for a particular passage [color=0087BD]"Thank you for calling on me, Director."[/color] he announced politely as his employer opened the cell door. [color=0087BD]"I've been preparing to greet this... particular creature, since the first field reports were issued"[/color] Rost explained quickly, halting his search through the pages of the book when he found the correct item within, [color=0087BD]"I suspected you might request my expertise in making sure this Mason fellow could be managed properly."[/color] he noted, sliding a printed metal card into his book to mark the page before slamming it shut. [color=0087BD]"Just give me the word and I'll get to work."[/color]