[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE0Mi5hMWM5ZWQuUVhsaElBLCwuMAAA/prestige-signature-script-demo.regular.png[/img][/center] [center][@Jin Of Mana][/center] Aya sat at the bar silently flinching as she heard Midnight's quick execution. Yeah she wasn't a fan of killing, but in this business it was hard to avoid. And as long as civilians weren't getting killed she felt better about the lives the dark tree extinguished. After all these were lives that were devoting themselves to a society that was deeply flawed and needed to change, and the Dark tree would get that change to happen. She glanced over at Zion, not overly impressed with his enthusiastic view on murder. But his muscles were just like any other creatures, and if she ever needed to subdue the savage she'd do so happily. Though Skyfall was being replaced by this brute it's not like his display with a human shield was amazing. A civilian no less, Aya felt that Skyfall wasn't going to make it far in the Dark tree, not when he pulled stunts like that. She let out a sigh, perhaps she was being to harsh, maybe she should give Zion a read first. Judging a book by it's cover and all that. She'd get up and move to a stool close to Zion looking up at the imposing figure. [color=00aeef]"Welcome Lord Zion. So you are to be some new muscle for this group? I'm one of the doctors, I have a feeling we may see a lot of one another."[/color] Aya's words had a hint of discomfort in them. She wasn't afraid about Zion or anything, but rather just the sight of watching a corpse be dragged off. [color=00aeef]"I just wish we could have met under... Better circumstances."[/color]