[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180708/335ab6edc1f0145c5a952b46f2bd58b6.png[/img] [img]https://pre00.deviantart.net/bb8e/th/pre/i/2016/280/c/1/ciloshi_rhi_by_ramartwork-dak713u.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [h3]Personal Dossier[/h3][hr][sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Name[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent]Charuri Rol[/indent] [sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Age[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent]17[/indent] [sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Gender[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent]Female[/indent] [sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Species & Homeworld[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent]Cathar, Nar Shaddaa[/indent] [sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Appearance[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent]The spitting image of her mother in her youth, Charuri cuts a proud if somewhat hesitant figure. Standing at 1.7 meters in height and hovering at 54 kilograms, Charuri presents a lithe composition befitting of a Jedi. A strong network of musculature, tense like coiled springs, lay just below sand colored fur. The solidity of the fur itself is broken with patterns of a darker stone coloration that run across her body and are most prominent across her face. Charuri carries a gentle face, framed by a rough mane of dirt blond hair, length stretching just past the shoulders were it is usually tied off to prevent it from getting in the way. Long feline ears stretch out from beyond the mane curved slightly upwards and are prone to change their position dependent on the girls shifting moods. Her outward image is brought together by two alien pools of luminescent yellow that serve as eyes ever curious in their outward disposition. [/indent] [sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Backstory[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent]Charuri was born deep in the lower scums of Nar Shaddaa. Her mother Xasyhi was one of the prized dancers of Zulo Funack'r Elra, a Hutt Crime Lord and leader of the Funack'r Kajidic. Her father Hasu was one of Zulo's most trusted bodyguards. The two fell in love and began a relationship that could've easily gotten them killed for going behind Zulo's back. Everything was going fine and peachy until Xasyhi accidentally became pregnant when contraceptives failed. The pair tried to hide the pregnancy for as long as possible but eventually the physical changes on Xashyi were too obvious not to notice. Outraged by the betrayal, Zulo ended up having Hasu executed out back in a dirty alleyway and his body dumped in a trash heap. But for Xasyhi, Zulo needed to set an example for the rest of his property. Once Xasyhi came to term, Zulo had all but one of her litter killed leaving her only with the runt sickly and small which would probably die in a week. But the little girl did not die and her mother would name her Charuri after her own grandmother, a great warrior and matriarch to her clan. Growing up in the heart of a Hutt Kajidic is what one might call a somewhat different upbringing than most. Since her mother had to tend to her duties as they were as soon as the girl could walk on her own, Charuri would spent most of her time wandering the Hutt's compound on her own. Besides the rooms beyond the "Big Door" which lead down to Zulo's offices were business was conducted, Charuri had more or less free reign of the rest of the compound. During this years she was mostly obviously to what actually happened at the compound and she would realize it until much later by the time she had already been spirited away. The child's positive and adorable demeanor got her a long way with most of Zulo's staff and they would "educate" her on many topics that most children don't learn about like how to break a man's arm in one motion or what drugs when mixed together are the most lethal and other useful tidbits of information, it takes a village as they say. Though her favorite of these friends had to be the son of Zulo's head chef, a corellian boy by the name of Gren two years older than her. The two would get into many misadventures with one another sneaking around the compound at times they weren't supposed to and such. This came to an end when Charuri was six years old in 29 BBY. The Galactic Republic after much work and joint efforts between Jedi Peacekeeper and the Judicial Forces had been able to build up a case against Zulo and the Funack'r Kajidic to bring down his criminal empire primarily for his role in helping arm the Kaleesh aggressors during the Huk War. This culminated in a raid on Zulo's compound after he refused to turn himself in peacefully. The raid was spearheaded by a Klatooinian Jedi by the name of Raonk. Since the compound was made up of many tight corridors with little large spaces beside the audience chamber, the fighting was fierce and the Republic forces had to take it room by room. Eventually though they succeeded and Zulo himself was killed in the fighting as well as Charuri's mother who had been used as a human shield and was unfortunately caught in the crossfire. Amidst this carnage and destruction was a scared, crying and very unhappy Charuri and Raonk the Jedi who had been primarily responsible for all of it, took pity on the girl and took her back with him to the Jedi Temple. At the temple she was tested and found to be force sensitive and a good candidate to be a Jedi. Despite some fears that her upbring may lead her to temptation more easily and the fact of her advanced age she was accepted as a youngling. This readjustment period was hard for Charuri as she immediately became an outsider as most of the younglings she was with had been together since birth practically. Because of this and the fears about her past she had much more to prove and maybe because of that pushed harder all because of it. Her combat skills were fairly good as she adapted some of the tricks that she had learned on Nar Shaddaa which give her an edge. But in terms of control over the Force there was much to be desired, though her favorite classes were those by Master Yoda on the nature of the force itself which she found to be intriguing and would help shape her own beliefs. She would eventually graduate from youngling to Padawan at the age of 12 in 23 BBY when after being deemed ready by the council and after gaining the interest of Jedi Diplomat Feemor. Feemor was a well respected Jedi Diplomat under the Council of Reconciliation and notable for being the first Padawan under the famous Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn whose teachings had rubbed off on him some in his own teaching styles. They said that his wisdom and compassion was some of his greatest assets and that he could end entire conflicts with one speech. The two were paired together with the intent of Feemor's teachings and ideals to help smooth out Charuri's rougher past and the Cathar tendency to strike first and ask question later. While Feemor did teach her more with lightsaber techniques and force powers later, first he taught her things like history, culture and philosophy of species around the world mostly focused on the planet they happened to be on at the time. While at first Charuri found this tiresome she soon learned that in many ways these teaching were two fold teaching her important lessons about those subjects but also about the Jedi Code and the proper way to live life and so she began to pay closer attention to them. The start of the Clone Wars, one year later would bring in an entirely different perspective for Charuri. While most padawans, knights and masters saw mostly of combat and fighting against the Separatists forces Feemor's position as a diplomat made her see a different side of the war. They spent their time in tight games of political intrigue and doubt in games to seal trade contracts and support before the Separatists could. During this time Feemor's more unorthodox teachings came out with his tendency to "bend" a few rules to get the job done and do good things and his more shrewd ways. During this time Feemor taught her the importance of learning and living and doing what was right no matter the consequences. He also began to teach her some more oddities in the ways of the Force including comprehend speech and Malachi to show her that conflict could be resolved without ever using your lightsaber, a memorable occasion being when he used Malachi to make a separatist diplomate throw up all over a prospective trade partner that the Republic and Separatist were dealing with and utterly destroying his chances at sealing a deal with them securing Republic Support. In more recent years, her progress from the start of her teaching under Feemor made her look like an almost entirely different person, more centered and sure of herself and at peace with the world like a true Jedi. Feemor himself even said that someday she would make a great Diplomat if she choose to be so.​[/indent] [sub][u][b][color=dodgerblue]Talents[/color][/b][/u][/sub] [indent][b]Lightsaber training:[/b] Like all Jedi, Charuri has been trained in the ins and outs of lightsaber combat. While not skilled as some of her more battle-focused contemporaries, Charuri can still hold her own against more standard opponents. Of particular oddity is that the girl rather than using a more traditional lightsaber, Charuri uses a double-bladed lightsaber something with the weapon seemingly clicking with her, perhaps the weapons more acrobatic stylings feeling familiar to similar martial styles found within Cathar society. [b]Magic Space Wizard Powers:[/b] While Charuri was average with her lightsaber mastery, she excelled with her control over the force. Originally being a weak point in her earliest days at the temple, under Feemor's tutelage she had managed to drastically improve her control over the force and the opinions she had available to approach a set situation. Beyond the standard gambit of powers including push and pull this has also expanded into more specialized cases: heal, comprehend languages, hibernation trance, and Malachi to name a few. [b]Wisdom of the Worlds:[/b] Feemor was of the belief that the difference between martial and diplomatic solutions was the understanding of history and culture, this way of teaching he passed on to Charuri. In practice, this means that Charuri is something of a walking dictionary of obscure information about a vast variety of topics from politics, culture, to history, and the sciences. While not all of this information is particularly useful, some of it may just be able to save your life. Because when it turns out that giving an ambassador a green scarf means you are challenging him to an honor duel to a death, instead of the nice gift that you intended well maybe all of that could of just been avoided. [b]Diplomatic:[/b] Training underneath a Jedi Diplomat something would of been wrong if Charuri did not learn the art of the silver tongue. Something of a smooth talker, the girl knows her way around a negotiating table and the complex game of playing with others emotions for fun and profit. Charuri generally isn't a fan of violence or blood or anything and never one to draw her blade first. If Charuri can find a diplomatic solution, she will pursue it with vigor. [/indent]