[color=39b54a]"Inform our mutual friend that I have arrived in position."[/color] A small ways above the hustle and bustle of preparations, initial guest arrivials, and other security activities was a small nook, all but invisible to anyone who didn't know precisely what to look for. In there was a small, humble security set up where a Turian, wearing what looked like a civilian turned mercenary might attempt before getting his hands on proper armor. Of course, looks were deceiving, but that was hardly relevant for now. As for right now, Fauus Caldros was getting properly dug in. While have stationed and roving security forces, both from the Citadel itself and on loan as gestures of good faith, was good, certain discreet agencies within Council space had seen fit to have overwatch stationed as well. One of his superiors in the Hierarchy was one of them, and as an act of good faith, he had been assigned to the security of the event, though his presence wasn't formally announced. Very little was ever announced in regards to the Cabals and their activities, but such was life. [i]"Understood, maintain position until further notice. Use best judgement in communicating with security forces."[/i] The closest thing Fauus had to a handler right now was liasing between C-Sec, the special security forces, and any other parties so that they could minimize the amount of exposure this Cabal adept got. Suited him fine, Fauus mused, he was sort of used to single unit operations by this point, after his original Cabal had split up, between retiring to the civilian life or moving on to other postings and taskings. But that was then, and he noted his current set up. It was cramped, sure, but he had already scouted out a fast way down to the main level of the ceremony, if needed. It would require his biotics, but the strain itself would be relatively mild given what he had in mind. The scope for his rifle was acting as a scouting tool right now, detached from his M-97 Viper so that no one would see the barrel of a sniper rifle sticking out and panic. It would only take one smooth motion to reattach it, having done this trick enough times he didn't ruin its accuracy or calibration. Besdies, a quick tuning with his omni tool could fix it as well, if need be. [color=39b54a]"Of course, as I see fit."[/color] With that, comm chatter with his handler was put on hold, to limit the potential for anyone monitoring short range, tight burst communications to begin noticing a pattern. Comm traffic was heavy as it was, hence choosing something that was quick and hard to pick up by those monitoring, but enough added comm messages would eventually garner unwanted attention. A very select few had been picked to be aware of Fauus' involvement in security affairs, to limit the potential compromise it would create. Most of the security forces down there, after all, would be unaware of the Cabal adept's involvement in their operation outside of knowing there were extra forces posted beyond simply roving and standing in plain sight as a show of force. For the time being, Fauus scanned the currently gathered forces, picking out those who were likely security or otherwise worth noting. A Turian female, eating several of the samples before starting her rounds, looking rather pleased all things considered. Rather chipper for someone on guard duty, he considered, his scope scanning off her onto the next person of note thus far. Human male, moving towards the dome, and he picked out the N7 designation on his armor. Heading for the alcohol, sampling some of it, and Turian found the action mildly distasteful. If he was working, why risk impairing himself? His choice though, Fauus was not going to make any sort of calls to report the human, Spirits willing, he would not need to be called on to act as a soldier. Next was a pair of Geth, and before the Reaper War, that would have been a great deal of cause for alarm. These days, while rare, Geth still were seen serving C-Sec, and had their advantages, being synthetics and not requiring anywhere near the same things as organic forces might. They had their disadvantages as well, but that was neither here nor there, he actually trusted the Geth the most to do their job until a competent hacker showed up. Speaking of Geth, next to be picked up was a Quarian female traveling with a C-Sec officer. Considering the C-Sec woman's blush, hard to pick up without the modification to his scope, it was likely she was a Xenophile of some sort or another (The C-Sec Officer). Nothing wrong with that, mind you, but worth noting. The Quarian enviro suit stood out as well, and a intel check confirmed a rather successful force was on its way back per requests put in. Likely unhappy with the arrangement, given the reported actions, and he could certainly relate there. He had no interest babysitting a Citadel party for a week, but here he was all the same.Lastly, Fauus' sweep spotted a Turian and Human walking together, both female, and once he got a look at their faces he could ID them. The Human was Spectre Morgenstern, rather short in comparison to the Turian she walked alongside. The Turian in question, Aviza’Norea, had been the subject of some rather secure comm traffic among Cabal forces. Another Turian Specter, if the rumor mill was to be believed, and likely informed of his presence alongside Morgenstern. Still, he had time to kill, and if he could confirm rumors into intelligence, either way, why not try? The comm burst was short ranged and focused, on a Turian spec ops channel both of them would most likely have access too, and his tone was decidedly neutral, even with the quality not being the best due to how the communication was being done. [color=39b54a]"Aviza'Norea. Curious to see both a Human, and one of the more recent Turian, Spectres in such close company on such an event. Is it not?"[/color] Fauus knew better than to simply ask for confirmation, word was she never openly or readily remarked on such thing, so he instead left the statement open to be denied or confirmed in a more subtle manner. Sure, most Cabals could look into such things with a few favors, but it was always far more interesting to figure it out on their own and compare notes with other Cabals. Almost a sort of competition between the various Turian Biotics units, considering they rarely found much in the way of friends and comrades outside their own kind.