[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guin Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/3b126beec23ec1674e7fc8f749d5164e/tumblr_n3fas8Hm4E1tsda0jo1_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin glanced over at her laptop, having heard it beep at her that the software needed to be updated. Her father must have been writing new upgrades for it during the night, likely as some sort of coping mechanism. She went over to the computer and grabbed it, taking it back with her onto the bed. No one seemed to have been following her to check on her or anything, so she figured the coast was clear. Clicking [i]ignore[/i] on the update, Guin then pulled up a command prompt and continued to jam out to her music. It wasn't long before she had her password cracker working on Steve's laptop. [color=#cc33ff]"Really? BuckyLuv48, Steve?"[/color] Guin muttered, copying all of his files over to her computer before opening them up. She hadn't been allowed to look at the information they had gathered on Sterns. The information was rather limited, though she saw security footage from Sterns' initial abduction attempt of them, as well as her and Lance's medical records. She hesitated for a moment before she opened up Lance's, seeing that Dr. Banner had attached a file on some additional blood work. She was about to open it when - [color=ed145b]"Guin?"[/color] Pepper called on the other side of the door. [color=ed145b]"It's time for you to take another dose of your meds, okay sweetie?"[/color] Pepper waited for a moment, before she walked back to the room with the others, noticing that Thor was making preparations to leave already. And by preparations, he was arguing with Tony that it would be perfectly fine for him to open up the Bifrost indoors. [color=fff79a]"I will return as soon as I have word,"[/color] Thor promised, holding his hammer and moving to head outside. [color=fff79a]"And Stark - my daughter is better,"[/color] he said with a grin, as he went outside and held his Hammer up, disappearing in a beam of rainbow light. Banner was trying to ignore the fact that everyone was staring at him, keeping his hands in his pockets and his eyes aimed towards the ground.