[hr] [url=https://fontmeme.com/starbomb-logo-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180711/48021a2960cfddc41abf740857ef5d9b.png[/img][/url] [hr] Dev smiled as the door to the bridge was in sight, when a sudden strange presence entered into the base of his skull. It was a tingling sensation, reminiscent of the telepathy used when he had been interrogated shortly after he was caught. That feeling, and that memory, was enough to send the man tumbling to the ground momentarily. Dev scrambled to his feet quickly, entering the bridge just in time as he watched the escape pod careening towards the Ulnar ship. The demolitions expert stood in the doorway, leaning against it and propping himself up with his feet. He wasn't entirely sure what outcome his homemade explosives would have... because if they reacted with the fuel cells and the reactor in just the right way... The explosion was a work of beauty, the colors cascading from the Ulnar ship. A single tear rolled down the cheek of the rebel as the wave of force rocked the Monroe. He had braced himself for it, and did his best to quickly wipe the tear before anyone noticed. He gave a small smile when the Captain's voice came through the comms. "[color=f9ad81]Sorry Cap... needed to make sure I took out the ship in the event of a complication. That and I was only about 80% confident my little payload would interact with the other ship's tech properly.[/color]" It was hard for the demolitions expert to wipe the smile off his face as he stood straight again, patting Death Whistle on his waist as he began making his way back towards his room. And yet, Dev's curiosity was tickled by the mention of precious cargo. He wasn't a lowly thief, but the former rebel was interested to see what the Ulnar were so fond of and changed his course to the cargo bay. With a few quick taps on his datapad, Dev pulled up the sensor readouts from the destruction of the hostile ship. Higher radiation reading than he had anticipated, suggesting severe damage to the reactor prior to the incident (or poor construction). Looking back through the information Tango had gathered so instantaneously, Dev was able to begin piecing together what had happened. He almost seemed studious and academic in his approach, looking back through previous "experimental records" of his previous work. Even a psychopath like Dev, out in the vast reaches of space while a prisoner on board a ship with some of the most talented individuals in their respective fields, felt the need to improve his skills while a Marauder.