Valencium? Did she seriously just say her name was Valencium? Way to cap off your big damned hero moment with a title that sounded like an over the counter boner pill, Maddy grumbled to herself. Still, lame name or not, it wasn't going to distract her from what she had to do now. Trying to show some level of confidence, Maddy jogged out of the building to a chorus of surprised voices and camera flashes from the onlookers, which intensified as she was followed out by a groggy Sergeant Shredd in handcuffs. "Hey, it's the new hero!" one reported cried out, reaching over the police line with microphone in hand. "What's your name and powers ma'am?!?" Maddy blinked, not entirely paying attention to the press as she was surveying where the loud noises were coming from. [color=DarkGreen]"'m..."[/color] Before Maddy's second attempt at a name, there was a tremendous bang just one street over as a wrecked police car suddenly sailed from a side street with an almighty crash. [color=DarkGreen]"I'm busy, talk to you in a sec!"[/color] Maddy said quickly before running over to the barricade the police were forming with their vehicles between the civilians and the oncoming threat. Massive footfalls shook the earth and filled the air, only to be drowned out by a screeching electric guitar solo worthy of Eddie Van Halen erupting from the street the police had their guns trained on, as around the corner emerged... [color=DarkGreen]"Oh good lord, that is tacky."[/color] While that was probably the least helpful descriptor of the oversized mech that emerged onto the street, it certainly wasn't an inaccurate one. The giant bipedal robot, visibly armed to the teeth and built for hard combat, had been vandalized and overdecorated to an absurd level, painted almost entirely in a discordant mess of flames, American flags, and skulls where there weren't chrome spikes and plating bolted onto the heavy armored surface, many of which protected the speakers mounted in the chest and connected to a sound system blasting classic rock at full volume. Even the head had been decorated with a fake metal Mohawk and a chrome-plated jaw to complete the look. "Where the fuck did they get that thing?!?" one of the police officers shouted. "Ask them after we kill it, take that thing down!" Gunfire raked the great machine, but it did little more then superficial damage as it stepped forward, raising an arm to point at a nearby cluster of policemen. The officers quickly dived out of the way as a torrent of flame erupted from the metal hand, incinerating one of the police cars instantly. Suffice it to say, Maddy was a bit floored. This thing was above all things, big. Really big. She had gotten up to one, maybe two stories tall on her own, but this thing looked almost twice as large as that, probably even more. Maddy steeled herself, trying to draw upon whatever was inside her that allowed her to change size, almost begging herself for her powers to work. This wasn't going to be and easy fight, but it wasn't going to be one she backed down from. [color=DarkGreen]"Hey! You with the crappy paint job!"[/color] The mecha's flames cut off as it turned to glance at Maddy striding towards it, almost regarding her with curiosity. [color=DarkGreen]"Yeah, talking to you!"[/color] Maddy shouted at the thing, barely hearing herself over the intensely loud rock music. [color=DarkGreen]"Shut down the robot and come quietly, or I'll have to take care of you myself!"[/color] The robot paused, shifting slightly on its feet as the gunfire from the police tapered off. Maddy stared up at it with bated breath, for a second believing that maybe she had gotten through to whoever was piloting it. Looking back at the police officers, she shot them a thumbs-up to indicate she could handle this. Crunching metal suddenly pierced the still air, and Maddy snapped her gaze back up as the robot lifted a car off the ground, swinging it overhead to bring it right down on Maddy. Panic mixed with instinct in a millisecond as Maddy drew on every bit of concentration she had, and in that one moment, it just clicked. Just like when she discovered the formula or the perfect mix of chemicals in a puzzling experiment, she discovered what it was that made this power click. Maddy couldn't hope to describe it, but as she consciously felt the sensation of her body growing for the first time, she knew she could control it. Maddy quickly re-attuned her senses to the real world after this experience as the robot brought the car down on the outstretched arm of the now massive Madeline, whose sudden change had elicited shocked gasps and a flurry of camera flashes from far below. Twisting the car out of the arm of the mecha, Madeline mused over how strange it was to hold the vehicle in just one hand as she gingerly set it down. If she thought things were odd and alien when she was small, it really was nothing compared to what it was like at this size. As Maddy took thundering steps towards the mecha, she even noted with amusement that the terrifying robot was only a few inches taller then she was now. [color=DarkGreen]"Last chance,"[/color] Maddy warned the mecha, poking it in the chest and idly wondering what her voice would sound like to the normal sized people below. [color=DarkGreen]"Power that thing down or you'll have to tangle with me."[/color] There was a pause where the mecha seemed to think about its course of action in the face of a far more threatening enemy. Maddy couldn't help but crack a smile as the robot's pilot stewed in its own thoughts, only for the robot to rear back and slam its chrome plated fist into her chest. Maddy stumbled backwards from the blow, crushing the hood of a vehicle underfoot by accident and throwing up dust as she impacted into a nearby building. A pang of worry hung around in the back of her head, but when Maddy realized that a blow powerful enough to smash cars felt like a normal punch at this size, she couldn't help but be amused as weapons emerged from the mecha's arms as it prepared for combat, blasting its rock music louder then ever. Feeling more confident then she had in a long time, Maddy raised her fists into a fighting stance and charged.