[color=gray][right][i]In the time of the reveal, All shall make sense. But for now, just enjoy the ride~[/i][/right] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lNnPcGc.png?1[/img][/center][hr] [indent][indent] Raiko just stood there, trying his best to keep the two pupils looked at the priestess exactly where they were. He wasn’t the kind of demon who typically a perv (as Kaito called him). He just happened to be a guy (half demon wasn’t it?) who had human needs. It wasn’t as though he wanted to make these two human women feel uncomfortable., yet Raiko couldn’t hide the smirk as he watched the two women act very differently. While the priestess was acting quite priestess-like, it was the other one that showed no shame in her form. No matter how much the half-demon tried, Raiko couldn’t keep his gaze from falling below the eyes. And it was in that moment the priestess seemed to reprimand Raiko - almost to the point where she threatened him with that staff of his. [color=b5484b]“I wish you all the luck in the world with that,”[/color] he teased her, still smirking at both of these busty women. Much to his delight, Raiko got exactly what he wanted. These two, though they were quite wary of him. He didn’t understand why they were. In all honesty, he came in peace. Despite his lecherous tendencies - something Raiko doubtless unintentionally inherited from Ryoshi - he was of no danger to these two. As he had told Kaito if he really was a danger to their well-being, that staff, which still made Raiko feel funny as if he knew it, would have vaporized him as most priestess staffs tend to do to demons. Considering that was neither here nor there, Raiko shrugged at the comment. As soon a she was about to lead them, Kaito said a name that seemed oddly familiar to him He couldn’t quite put his nose on it. When he was about to turn around, Raiko had another flash of a memory. This one was of the same tree as before, but this time he could see it clearly. It was a Cherry Blossom tree. He thought he saw the shape of...someone in it. The image was fuzzy and he couldn’t quite make it out. [color=b5484b][i]Why did I just see that??[/i][/color] Raiko shook his head, looking at the two women behind him. “Very well. Let’s go!” Raiko led the way out of the village, earning some glares and other disapproving glances from the villagers, some even shouting at him. Truth be told, Raiko zoned them out. They weren’t important to Raiko, but if he mouthed back, he’d be delayed, so he didn’t want to risk it. Besides, it wouldn’t matter. Halfway across the grasslands, they were met by two demons Raiko knew would meet them. He’s surprised that they took as long as they did. [color=b5484b]“Ladies, I’d like you to meet two very important demons.”[/color] In front of them were Aoi and Kage. Aoi was a large, muscular demon with a body full of blue scales. He had a dragonic face and he bore a single shoulder guard that went from his right shoulder to this left waist. He wore black pants and had a large sword on his back that he called Azure Venom. [color=b5484b]“This here is Aoi. Don’t let his rugged good looks fool you. He’s quite the softy.”[/color] Raiko teased. [color=black]“You’ve really done it now, Young Master.”[/color] Kage spoke, stepping from behind Aoi. [color=b5484b]“Oh, Kage, I didn’t see you there.”[/color] Raiko used his left hand as a visor. He often forgot just how short Kage was. Compared to the bohemoth that Aoi was, Kage was a midget. STanding only five feet tall, Kage was wrapped in a long black cloak and had a scaley skin that was a very dim green with golden eyes. [color=deepskyblue]“What were you thinking? YOu were given strict instructions to not interact with the humans.”[/color] [color=b5484b]“What I believe I was told was not to interact with the humans of Seiki. These are humans from the village of Ryoshi.”[/color] Raiko saw their mouths close, almost as if they were shut up by the mention of Ryoshi’s name. [color=black]“So, you mean these two are villagers of our master’s namesake?”[/color] [color=b5484b]“Even better!”[/color] Raiko smirked, grabbing Kaito’s arm, pulling her forward. [color=b5484b]“This here is the human known as Kaito. She is, as I am to understand it, is Ryoshi’s woman!”[/color] [/indent][/indent][/color]