[quote=@stark] [i]Sonofabitch.[/i] I think I'm going to have to drop out. I can't keep up with this like I thought I was going to be able to -- usually my summers are slow, but switching to illustration full-time has been a lot busier than I would have expected. (Figured that most things would be quiet in the summer because people go on vacations and whatnot. Publishers, apparently, do [i]not[/i].) [@Master Bruce] [@Byrd Man][@Morden Man] Better to duck out while Tony hasn't really done too much and leave him for someone else to pick up/flesh out. Apologies -- I would have really liked to be involved in this game because everyone is fantastic so far! I may still read through all the posts (slowly) over time, just to see what happens. [/quote] Aw man, sorry to hear gay. Edit: wow I should apprently double check my posts when I use my phone. Dunno how “that” became “gay”