The galley finally ended up alongside the opposing ship. There was a moment of tension as the pirates waited to see if the businessmen would have some sense and surrender. But the opposing ship was quiet aside from the hardworking grunts of their oarsmen. [color=yellow][i]One ... Two ... Three ...[/i][/color] An offer of surrender should have come in by now. Amen frowned and turned to the rest of his crew. [color=yellow]"Looks like they need some convincing! Lets get at them!"[/color] A couple of the oarsmen threw their grapples onto the other ship, hooking the side. A smile crossed some of the priate's faces until a couple archers popped up at the top - in full Phonecian armor with their bows as well. He hadn't been expecting trained troops. The rumors had said nothing about that. [color=yellow]"Go! Now!"[/color] The pirate climbed the rope as the archers shot down at the smaller but faster galley. A few oarsmen died easily, but those attacking would find the very ship they were assailing providing them with a small amount of cover. Being a smaller and lighter figure, it was entirely possible Rys would make it onto the ship first if she chose.