[right][sub][color=crimson]LOCATION[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Park[/color] [color=crimson]TIME[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]Afternoon[/color] [color=crimson]INTERACTING WITH[/color] ⤑ Arthur [Boyfriend], Julius [Ex-Boyfriend] [color=crimson]FEELING[/color] ⤑ [color=hotpink]An array of humiliation, fury and panic. Oh boy.[/color] [/sub] [/right] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjg4LmZkYTljOS5RbVYwZDJWbGJpQmhJRkp2WTJzZ1lXNWtJR0VnU0dGeVpDQlFiR0ZqWlEsLC4wAAAAAAA,/abandoned.bold.png[/img] [img]http://jennifer-helene.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/divider_ribbon1.png[/img] [/center] Eva crossed her arms against her chest, a tiny pack of anger bundled as she listened to Julius' rather flimsy justification. What, did he miss her? Now that was a thought if there ever was one. It didn't matter how much he begged and pleaded, there was not a single ounce of a chance that she would ever want to get back with him. At least, her conviction was true, but as he went on, there was some maliciousness to his words. Eva didn't understand what he was trying to say or do, but the bells and alarms in her head seemed to go off as he mentioned loyalty once again. He said Arthur would be more loyal to him than her. For a second, she wanted to tell him he was full of it, but she could see his point. Even if he never uttered a word towards the theory, Arthur's family meant everything to him. She could see it when he interacted with his mother and teased his sister. Diverting her eyes for a moment, she didn't want to admit he was right. The last thing she wanted to do was cause Arthur problems, especially after everything he had done for her. As Eva's eyes went back to Julius, something in his eyes seemed to bring her entire body on alert. She recognized that look all too well--it was the same way Ricardo had looked at her at Terrance's party. Uncrossing her arms, she nervously looked to Arthur, letting out a gasp as she felt Julius grab her. Her breath quickened as his threat hung in the air, a pit forming in her stomach. It was strange to feel his hand there when she was so used to Arthur's, her entire body tensing up at his touch. He said he was hers, but that wasn't true. Still, whatever protest she should have had felt trapped in her throat, her heart pounding against her chest. Whether it was dumb luck or Julius' mercy, he released her, and she thought she was going to pass out again. Panic resumed in her mind, taking laps in a feverish run as she watched Julius join up with Arthur. Part of her wanted to tell him what happened, but what if he was right? Arthur valued his family above everything. Her heart sank as she imagined Arthur's reaction. If this was how he reacted to her having a past boyfriend, he would completely lose it if he knew it was Julius. Somehow, she moved, slowly approaching the pair. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she sat down across from them, her hands on her lap. Eva had no idea how she was able to keep herself from hitting Julius, but she figured she was more fearful of Arthur's reaction than anything. It was suffocating to feel so trapped, and she felt sick again. Lifting her eyes to meet Arthur's, she noticed he was looking at her. She hated everything right now, but seeing his smile gave her the slightest bit of comfort. She couldn't take that away from him. Straightening up slightly, she threw on a smile to the best of her ability. "[color=pink]I'm starving! Let's get something to eat![/color]" It was strange to hear her voice sound so normal, knowing below the surface she was a mess. But she would only have to endure it for a little while. Just a little bit, then Julius would leave and she would never have to see him again. [center][img]http://heartfull.life/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2016/04/divider_ribbon2.png[/img][/center]