[i]Well holy shit would he be drowning in the income today. Gybol seemed to be as energetic as there are people and today as like a lightning storm on steroids. His eyes flick up toward order twenty one. The girl was grumpier today, can't she understand that you cannot rush a well done recipe? Especially when you've got to season the stuff. Although in his mind she just didn't quite understand why he preferred just the one cafe. What made Gybol's recipes so good is that it was HIS recipes. His work. You cannot duplicate Gybols. At least he hoped not. That thought gave him a bit of a shutter for his own reasons as he slides over the two requested plates onto the server's hotplate. [/i] "Easy Nina. Being louder doesn't mean it's going to be faster. I rush the food and the customers are going to taste that. Might as well make the wait worth it." [i]No indeed. With the rarity of goods out there, he often took to alchemy during the evening. Funny things about poisons, you can mix them just right where they ONLY target the taste buds, in which on contact? Amplifies the taste of what he's cooking. What could be bland food, or even good food, can easily be made better with seasoning. Self tested of course, if he wounded up suddenly dead, well, better him than the customer when it comes to running a business. Only downside is they'll be tasting it for like, what, a couple hours? He didn't quite see that as a problem.[/i]