Eyes wide, Al ran for the phone, turning it off before shaking his sister awake. "There are people standing outside the house." He whispered into her ear, before slowly backing away. Nervously, he reached backwards and grabbed the javelin before positioning himself by the door. Meanwhile, Giovanni had already woken up, taking an instinctive look through his window to see the people outside. "Ah, hell..." He slowly mumbled to himself. Before he could even begin to get himself ready for the coming fight however, he felt a mild yet searing pain in his chest, and let out a silent sigh. Yep, that was heartburn, alright. That was going to lower his kickass fighting skills by [i]quite[/i] a bit. So that meant he'd have to go with plan B... As quietly as he could, he moved through the house towards Nino's room, softly shaking him awake. "Nino, they followed us. Be as quiet as you can and follow me, ok?" After making sure his brother was behind him, he continued down the corridor to Al and Na's room. He gently opened the door, only to have to bend into a limbo position to avoid the javelin that otherwise would've gone straight through his neck. Barely catching himself from falling backwards, he gave Al a wide eyed, frustrated glare, before turning to Na. "We need to leave, as quickly as possible." "DRIFTERS!" A gruff voice shouted from outside. "YOU'RE IN THERE, AREN'T YOU?!" Joe had to forcefully stifle the urge to reply with a loud 'No', realising that unlike usual, he probably wouldn't be able to take on all these loser at once. Not just because of his not only because of his now [i]very[/i] bad heartburn, but also because he had to protect two more people than usual. Instead, he turned to the others, an unusually serious look on his face. "Alright, if this house has a back door, use it now. Just like before, keep away from any windows, I'll stay up here and distract them, got it?"