Ambrose stared at Morgan in disbelief, and even took a step forward as if he was going to throw a punch. Jeremy thankfully held him back, grabbing his shoulders to keep him from advancing. "Listen, you all don't need to be so sour about this. It's not blackmail! It's a trade and we can both come out happy." Morgan smiled at all the angry glares from the people in the room. Ambrose couldn't help but be reminded of Codal by Morgan's proposal. Ambrose was tired of trades. "Forget it. We'll find it without your help." He spat at Morgan, who's smile faltered. A couple of the group protested at Ambrose's statement, chiming in. "We need that last knife!" "We have to think about the sake of everyone else, we don't want what happened at Sam's party to happen again...." Ambrose glanced around the room, looking for some kind of back up but finding none. But even had to admit, they needed the information and as soon as possible. His own personal feelings had to be put aside. Ambrose huffed and crossed his arms, stalking to a corner of the room to sulk. "Anyways," Morgan continued, standing up from his spot by Caleb's side, addressing the room. "What I want from you all is access to the forbidden texts, yes yes I know only masters are allowed to them, but I think we can make an exception." He glanced back at Caleb, "And I know you can get that arranged." Morgan turned back to the group, "Second, I'm gonna need any and all my supplies for spells, or classes, paid for and delivered at my request." The slender male paused to assess the room for a moment, everyone was calm albeit begrudgingly so. "I'm going to keep my last request for a rainy day, which means, binding Caleb into a contract. This contract entails that any point in time I may have him complete one request, and he cannot refuse or sabotage this request." Morgan smiled widely once more, especially at Ambrose fuming in the corner. "Well, I'll let you discuss. And no, there will be no negotiations. I'll give you two hours to complete arrangements and contact me to accept the deal." Morgan made his way to the door of the infirmary room, confidently, he flashed another sweet smile before slamming the door behind him.