[quote=@Mike the Bloodwolf] Mike knew his friends wanted to know where he got Silva from. He had already explained it at least in part to them but clearly watching that intense battle had made them forget. Mike chuckled before he said "I did mention before hand, the answer to that Chuck but clearly you guys forgot already but that's fine. I was visting the aether foundation one day and has a young woman approach me, she called herself Wicke I believe. She told me that she was rather impressed by how strongly i bonded with Pokemon after catching them. She told me, she had a Pokemon that had a rather Lonely and sad past and wanted me to take care of it but she made me swear I would never let this Pokemon out of my sight, that I would protect it and I would ensure that only those who I can trust could see this Pokemon in action. I was curious why but I accepted the Pokemon which is now called Silva. She also gave me spicial items to help it change typing" [/quote] "What is the Aether Foundation?" Shiranui inquired.