The Stone-Turner hums endlessly as it glides through the sky over Vlana. The city below is bustling with energy as small flight craft buzz around and the citizens in the streets go about their business. The ship is setting off to make a trip to Trozzk and allow the new members a chance to leave their mark. The ship itself is in great shape now as well, following a collision with a large airborne creature in Lyduros recently. Jibb and the other engineers barely managed to get her back to Vlana but now that she is in top shape once more Captain Brovik has ordered an immediate departure. "Man the forward engines!" Brovik calls out and shortly thereafter the furnace operators manage to get the Drinnium heated and the engines blaring. In front of the stone turner the sky begins to slowly warp before spreading apart and melting like ice cream on a hot day. Much of the crew gathers around the front of the ship to watch the spectacle; primarily the newer members. Virum is sitting in the crows nest atop the main mast with his spyglass already open, staring down the hole in the sky. As the ship rumbles onward toward the tear the captain yells out again. "Hold on to... Something or other!" and the ship begins to make its way through the hole. There is a lot of turbulence, a rumbling and the sound of gears cranking as the ship manages to pass through. As it does so the engines begin to die down to a much lower, less intrusive hum and the ship begins to coast quietly down the banks of a dark sky, looking out a massive red star encompassing a large portion of the horizon. Virum looks through his spyglass, accidentally looking right into the star he falls backward and drops it. He sits up and squints his eyes as he takes in the sight. "That thing is huge!" he exclaims to any of the crew below who might be listening.