[quote=@Webmaster] I haven't heard of that game. [/quote] I hadn't either until I stumbled across a video talking about it on YouTube a while back. From what I've played myself, it's kinda like, if not basicly, Legend of Zelda's older and more mature cousin when it comes to its basics of gameplay and plot. It includes a jumping mechanic though, and the gear you get must be used to its fullest, making it a more difficult and challenging game then zelda. The puzzles are really interesting too, requiring a lot of thought and insight at times. heck, I've decided to stop playing it for a bit because I'm Legitimately stuck on what it is I need to do to move forward again after two straight days of playing. And the best part of it is, I don't even know if I've hit the halfway point in it yet, it's such a full and interesting game. I'm gonna stop talking about it now before I spend the next half hour typing out its detales. definitely one of my favorite games though.