the [i]Bawdy Boar[/i], a worn tavern in the poor district, it seemed a strange place for a lord to want to gather. Nonetheless, Riley welcomed the familiar ground, she'd have been out of place in most fancier establishments and that would have just led to an awkward situation, besides, if the pay for this job is what they say it is they could send her to the sewers for all she cared. A few looks came her way as she entered but almost all returned to what they were doing when they realized she was rather unremarkable, at least to them. She did catch the sleeper's gaze despite his efforts to hide it, however, and as she flipped a few coins to the innkeeper for food and drink she noticed she wasn't the only one with his attention. She wanted to find a place she could see the whole inn, or at least the sleeper and the Aldonian he was watching, but that seemed to only really be two places: either the table the man was sleeping at or the table by the door occupied by only one stranger. She decided for the latter, taking a seat across from the stranger and only giving them a slight nod in acknowledgement hoping they were content if they both kept to themselves. From there she tried her best to keep an eye on the Aldonian, the sleeper, and anyone else the odd man thought was worth watching, curious as to what lot she was being thrown with. Other than that she simply ate and passed the time waiting for whatever form of entrance her employee saw fit.