[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/X6PPUuX.png[/img] [h2]Formerly Australian Football Field Primary Objectives: Locate Charms, Save Face[/h2] [/center] [hr][hr] Blaine combed through the grass like a man possessed, eyes peeled for the slightest sign of the small, carved tokens that he had made days prior. It was unlike him to be so panicked, but to tell someone they had gifts on the way and then leave them standing there…unthinkable. And so he searched, sprawled on all fours, sweating profusely as his shredded clothes hung loosely off his massive form. [quote=@Kaithas] [color=E52B50]"Hey!"[/color], she shouted, the necklaces dangling from an outstretched hand as she advanced toward the figure on the field. [color=E52B50]"I think these are yours!"[/color] [/quote] The enormous faunus’s head whipped around at the sound of the smaller student’s approach. He leapt to his feet and turned to face her in one smooth motion, striving to maintain the appearance of someone [i]not[/i] dripping desperation as the red-feathered faunus came closer. Blaine’s mouth opened to address her, when he noticed what the woman had to offer. His heart beat loudly in his chest, pupils dilated, lungs ceased movement. She had the charms. His mouth opened slightly, pointed fangs on display with the parting of his lips. Without his consent, Blaine heard his voice emerge from his throat as the world turned grey at the edges. Dimly, he was aware that he still wore no real pants. [color=aba000]“Y-you… I… Charms yes mine.” [/color]