To say she was well rested would have been a lie. Truth be told, the Dorcha halfling had been tossing and turning through the hours, only seldom slipping into slumber throughout the night. She spent her time awake looking over at Calanon in his bed. He appeared peaceful and in deep sleep, it didn't surprise her that he would find it so easy to sleep. She was the first in the kitchen in the morning and took her choice of fruits, a fresh crust of warm bread, and some leftover pieces of a joint of meat from the night before. It was a mixed breakfast, but a delicious one nonetheless. She took herself outside, the sun was just rising off in the distance, pushing back the curtain of night with a honeyed warm glow, amber and magenta entwined along the horizon. It was a beautiful sight to one who had lived so long in darkness. She bit down on the apple, holding it in her mouth, the bread and meat in her bag as she climbed the gnarled trunk of a tree that was going to provide an optimal viewing spot for the rest of the sunrise. She was light-footed and nimble and made it up to a curling branch easily. She slotted herself into it where the branch contoured against her, letting her sit comfortably. [center]_______________________________[/center] She had watched Beren leave the tavern, and continued to observe him for a while before the others appeared. It would seem to be a group meeting of sorts - now that she was fully on board with their quest, she supposed that she should join too. She let herself drop from the tree, her feet touching the grass beneath it without making a sound. She had no sooner stepped up to join them, when Nicademus appeared too, looking like his tail was between his legs - humbled. His presence immediately unnerved her, and she felt herself tense up, fists clenching, a foot behind her ready to make a run for it. She listened to his words, but to her they were just words. Trying to compose himself and pretend to be ashamed of his pretentiousness. She wasn't buying it, she felt her lip curl. Everything about this was uncomfortable. Surely the group was not just going to let him off freely for it? And better yet - to ask a favour, adding further insult to the injury. Surely not. "I'd sooner keep running than them find me. You don't know them. You don't know what they'll do to [i]me[/i] - and then to you for saving me." "I'm sorry but... I can't run back to them, not for this quest... not for honour. There is no honour to be found in hunting them down..." She remained silent and shaking for a few moments more, she wondered if Calanon felt betrayed by her sudden cowardice - her hypocrisy. She let herself breath just for a moment before continuing; "I mean... if we seek them out then we are on their ground. The town will not be safe. If we think they are on our tail then it's because they want us to think it to do exactly what they want and fall for their traps... I have seen this." She let her eyes travel over to meet Calanon's, hoping that if she could get him to back her on this, she would have half a chance to convince the others. "Trust me, please" she said softly, as if it was only to him.