[h2][center][b]High Kingdom of Itherae[/b][/center][/h2] [h3][center]The Queen and her cars[/center][/h3] With the unveiling of the Saetta in May 9th, Queen Athena Tyroli, an already avid viewer of the automobile development, would later go on to dispatch an offer to the company of Forino Estadi Automobil, to buy several automobiles for herself and the royal family almost immediately after its unvieling. However, the Supra Dobranie would attempt to block the queen from exercising her power of using state money in such a ludicrous and selfish manner that would not benefit the people of Itherae as a whole. This would begin a fifteen day debate between the Queen and elements within the Supra Dobranie, due to seats within the Supra Dobranie being held by a majority of conservative politicians. Yet, towards the end of the debates, Queen Athena would compromise with the Supra Dobranie to buy a total of three hundred cars. The cars would then be given those who would enter a free raffle in Thermydon and a total of 290 people would be chosen to have cars. While the raffle would be limited to those living in Thermydon, it would still keep the Supra Dobranie for the time being. It would not be until June when Queen Athena would send the offer to the F.E.A to buy 300 Saetta automobiles for a total of $375,000. She would also state in her autobiography, [i]Two Parties[/i], "...the Supra Dobranie would, typically, engage in this type of idiotic warfare with me. Sometimes, I believed, that they would limit my power to walk around the streets or talk to a relative. While I would always want to despise the Supra Dobranie for always trying to trap me in their jaws, I would not try to limit their rights for I follow our Constitution. They should be happy I am not some iron-fisted overlord like the Helroxi dogs." [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/66/0a/ec/660aec32c476d354a5394202b0c2ed1c--royal-tiaras-royal-jewels.jpg[/img] [i]Queen Athena Tyroli circa 1903[/i][/center] (+1 to all June Orders)