Mike though about both Chuck and Shinranui questions before he said "The Aether foundation is a group of Pokemon preserves. They help injuryed wild Pokemon recover before letting them back into the wild. They also had a breeding program for Pokemon that are endangered in the Aloha region to help rebuild their numbers. They are also in direct confrontation with the group known as Team Skull and the pouchers who try to steal the rare Alohan forms to try and sell them since only Aloha has these Pokemon forms" He would then answer Chucks question "I could not tell you for sure, when she gave me this Pokemon, the amount of secrecy that came with it, tell me that me that Silvally might be one of a kind and a lot more powerful then any other Pokemon we know of, epically if it's based off Arceus, the literally almight creator of the world, I'm sure I heard people talking about another guy who has a Pokemon a lot like Silva as well"