[@Blueflame][@KatherinWinter] [color=0087BD]"I'd rather not do this, but looks like I don't have much choice."[/color] Rost sighed, releasing his grip on the gun inside his jacket and grabbing a stack of post-it notes. The scholarly agent peeled the top note from the stack and affixed it to the door. A glyph drawn on the paper began to glow and pale blue light filled the room; generating a weak suppression aura within the room to push Shadow back into a dormant state. [color=0087BD]"These spells have a cumulative effect, creating a sort of magical faraday cage on the inside of whatever room they are connected to; preventing the flow of magical energy within it. Each one I place makes it stronger. If I have to, I will continue reinforcing the spell until Mason, not the other half, agrees to talk to us."[/color] he warned calmly, peeling another note from the stack and holding it up between two fingers.