[center][h2][u]Mistakes were Made[/u][/h2][/center] Location: Lily’s Apartment Time: 3 AM [hr] Still pacing the interior of her apartment Lily suddenly stopped as the radio traffic on her police scanner picked up in a sudden flurry. An 11-99 code went out and Lily hopped from her spot by the window with a rush of weathers her wings carried her across the room to the scanner which she cranked the volume high enough to hear the radio chatter. It was mostly dispatch, a patrol unit and an EMR unit. The original call for service location had been part of the transmission she had missed however her blood suddenly ran cold as the units on scene reported their arrival to Holly’s apartment complex. In another swift motion Lily snatched her bag from the table and began fumbling in it. One of Moriek’s heads looked up at her languidly [i]What are you-[/i] Lily suddenly produced the Labyrinth and pointed the metal cube at Moriek. The hounds heads suddenly all perked up as it was sucked into the cube in a flash of light. “Sorry. No time. You can’t fly.” With that Lily dropped to the floor and wiggled under the bed before pulling her gun from its holster under the bed and hastily jammed it into a holster on the small of her back. With that she hopped from her bed to her jacket which hung from a hook by the door. For a long moment she considered actually using the door but with another pump of her wings she moved from the door to her balcony. Throwing it open she leapt to the railing before launching herself out in the night. The last of the transmission from the chatter fixed in her mind: two injured...code three transfer to Loom General. [center][b]Roof top[/b][/center] Waiting impatiently on the roof top in the rain. Lily tapped her foot with irritation until the shadows around her lengthened suddenly closing in around her as though they were inky tendrils come to drag her to some stygian abyss. Bernael rose slowly from the inky pool to stand before her. The mass of shadow and smoke said nothing as it stared at her with eyes she couldn’t see. “You found her?” The shadow thing nodded at Lily. “Take me there” The demon reached out and grabbed her wrist. Lily always hated this, as the creature pulled her into the shadows. There was a rush of air and her skin prickled as she was whisked from the rooftop in a flurry of smoke. [center][h2][u]Mistakes were Made[/u][/h2][/center] Location: Loom’s General Hospital (A203) Time: 5 AM [hr] With a slight gasp Lily exited the shadows in the corner of Holly’s room. Quickly dropped her stance she checked to see that no one had noticed before producing the Labyrinth and sealing away Bernael. Making sure her wings were away and her jacket covered her gun Lily krept over to Holly to check on her. After a cursory look to make she she was in fact breathing Lily scanned the room before spotting what she was after. Moving across the room she picked up the chair pushed against the far wall of the room and maneuvered it back over to the bedside. Setting it down she slid into it. Producing the Labyrinth again Lily opened it and in another flare of light Moriek was standing once again both of its heads staring at her. One of them looked pissed and the other looked judgemental. “Don’t give me that look, you can’t fly. Now hurry up and change.” As the Dog changed Lily finally looked down at her phone and realized she had several missed messages. A quick check of her voicemail while Moriek shifted revealed that the officers had called her after they found Holly. Hanging up Lily turned in time to see Moriek finish changing. With a shiver Moriek drew its two heads together and with another ripple of its body its coat changed. A few more adjustments later instead of a two headed demon guard dog seated next to Lily it was a black lab with a service dog jacket on. Satisfied that Moriek wasn’t going to scare Holly to death when she saw him Lily seated herself fully prepared to sit watch until Holly was awake. It was a noble attempt but within a few minutes Lily’s head had lolled forward and she was softly snoring with her chin resting on her chest. Moriek opened one of its eyes and looked up at his charge. The tamer was such a funny creature. He could only wonder why he had been given to her to protect her. Pushing away such questions the Styx dog also closed its eyes but unlike Lily he had slept most of the night and now he lay still listening and letting his sense of smell feed him all the information he needed about their surroundings.