Hanabaptiste's eye widened as she saw the arc of lightening flare between Uban's hands. The bright, guttering light lit the galley, throwing the grilled fish on her plate into harsh relief. "No, that's very unusual, I've never seen anything like that before. If you'd like, we could arrange to have some tests, figure out what exactly you're capable of. We'd start with something small and work our way up," she glanced at the Captains unreadable face, "With the Captain's permission, of course." Hana saw the boys restrain the feral look in his eyes, and a slight chill settled on the back of Hanabaptistes neck. He was, she reminded herself, an incredibly dangerous and powerful creature whose kind had been kept from Elbar for over a decade. But the split second of icy fear faded and she was left looking at a boy admitting he couldn't read. Clearing her throat politely, Hana turned back to her meal. Wheel watched the crew interact and sweet talk the girl. Yeah, she was fine enough and had a good backside, but her fancy manners she showed off to everyone was starting to piss him off. She was a pirate now, but she was still acting like she was a godamn noble. She should have pissed off somewhere else, and the Cap'n had been an idiot when he took her on. He rocked back in his chair, propping his feet on the table, drinking deeply from his rum and ignoring her. Even her voice was annoying, fucks sake. Even Uban was trying to charm his way into her pants, it was driving him up the wall. Pieter listened to the girl and Uban talk. That boy was able to make friends with damn near anyone he met, and the Elbari girl was no exception. He had been to the girls homeland before, and he was curious when Uban would figure out that he was talking to someone whose nation had been at war with his until fifteen years ago. Pieter'd been a pirate long enough that he didn't even pretend to have a shred of national attachment. A mark was a mark, didn't matter if they were your countryman or some other bastard. While Berlin was distracted, Pieter tapped Rohaan's foot with his shoe. At the same time he slid his cup across the table so it was within Rohaan's reach. The boy looked up with an eager, expactant look, giving him a wide grin as he took a massive swallow of rum. Uban was toying with an apple when he asked Hana bout music. She had finished her meal and was now sipping a cup of rum. She wasn't able to put away as much as the pirates did, and was already a little tipsy. She was glad that her dark skin and the dim lighting hid the blush on her cheeks as she turned slightly away pretending to look out the porthole. She imagined her mother watching her play harp with a Telorian pirate. She'd probably have died of shock, the impropriety of it! The thought of it made her uncomfortable as well, but it wouldn't do to be rude. "Well, I've always enjoyed going to the operas and the singing plays, since I was a girl. I like to sing as well. I haven't had a need to play the harp for a while, now. Tell me, how did you learn to play lute? I once met a man in Gabelburg that had lost both his arms fighting during the civil war. He had been a harpsichordist, so he'd taught himself to play with only his feet! He sat in a tavern and played songs with his feet all day! He was rather good, too." A small hand tapped roughly on Hana's arm. Turning, She saw Rio, gaze fixed down, saying, "Maybe...could you teach me to read? And...um...what do I call you? Do I call you Hana?... Or?" She smiled sweetly, speaking softly, "Hana works just find. And yes, I'd be honored to help you learn to read. We can start whenever you'd like."