[quote=@Cleverbird] So I'm assuming there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, since I haven't seen a single character sheet or any real discussion in here yet. Which kinda bums me out, as I feel robbed of getting better insights into this world... How many players are there anyway? I've also given blood magic some more thought and feel like I've reached a nice conclusion. Instead of focusing on physical effects, I want to focus on more emotional aspects of it. So why not have my character be able to drink it and use it to re-life memories and emotions? Maybe even have it work the other way around, by making those ingesting the blood feel love, fear or even pain towards my character (dont trust her cooking!). Blood magic could be used as a form of fantasy CSI, allowing her to gain information about someone: their heredity, physical characteristics, family; if they match blood found somewhere else. Anything you see on the cop shows could be replicated in game. Maybe even let her use blood to gain attributes from animals? A hawk's vision or a dog's smell, stuff like that. I guess it does depend on whether this RP is more focused on combat, or has room for intrigue as well. If it's more combat focused, I'd probably just ditch this concept and go for a more straight forwards character. [/quote] Ayy, now we're onto something. I like that approach and it's similar to ideas I've used in the past with this sort of magic (consume a man's eyes and see his last moments, or his ears and hear his last words, etc.) There will obviously be plenty of combat, but I don't want folks to feel forced to play any sort of way - there are opportunities for fighty heroes, sneaky heroes, utility heroes, so on and so forth. So, rather than COMBAT, I want to say the IC will be ACTION focused.