[center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/amkvj2gkf/image.png[/img][/center] [hr] The abrasive words of Maiko were not lost on the Student President. In fact, Touka’s cheeks turned the same shade as Chie’s hair upon their mention. It was somewhat true; she did have some, as Maiko put it, “spicy connections” in mind regarding their Christmas party. But having Magical Girls of the opposite alignment was not in the plan. At least, not initially. Mari’s presence was bold and almost insulting; what, did she think one pure light was going to brighten the cast shadows gathered in this room? Touka took note of even Hikari’s appearance but didn’t say anything. Chiding another club member was less thrilling than the prospect that stood before them. Once everyone had their fill of initial spite, Touka evenly gazed at the disguised Hag. “You must be one of the M-Magical Girls from last night, right? B-Black Shot told me about you.” She didn’t bother elaborating which one of them was actually Black Shot, not when Mari was making herself such an easy target. Despite the stutter to her words, Touka’s eyes narrowed into a cool stare. [color=springgreen]“As much as we appreciate the s-sweets, I have to wonder why a light Magical Girl thinks it’s fine to walk in our club without invitation.”[/color] A pause as Touka considered another option. [color=springgreen]“Or maybe you’re here to join our r-ranks? No, no….you reek too much of the light for that. W-Well…I guess what I really want to ask is…what’s stopping me from letting everyone in this room take a piece of you?”[/color] Because no doubt everyone wanted a go at the good Magical Girl. It was just in their nature as those who followed darkness. The Student President found herself a chair at the front of the room to settle in, keeping an eye on Mari. [color=springgreen]“R-Relax,”[/color] Touka said. [color=springgreen]“We’re not killers. But I’m not going to stop anyone here from giving you bruises or broken teeth. Since you’ve already met s-some of us, I think you should explain your i-interest to everyone first. And if they don’t like it….well, I [i]did[/i] say I’d look the other way if something happens to you.”[/color] With that the Student President waited. The floor was now anyone’s to take. [hr]