[center]Baeshri Pass - Caravan Ambush Site[/center] To sum up Ellorei at this moment in a word it would have to be torn. She wasn't sure if she should grieve the dead or seek their justice. It probably was for the best that Rem took the lead. This was Ellorei's first encounter with an official caravan up close. Her tribe had always avoided them, traveling with a wide enough girth that her childhood was shielded from them. The stories of armies told around the Cha'miran fires at night often included caravans, it was for her the tales parents told to keep their children in line. Despite being twenty-five, she found herself clutching her staff a little closer, "Rem, have you dealt with soldiers before?" Ellorei matched her steps to Rem as he neared the metal contraption her nose wrinkled. Metal made her uneasy, she couldn't hear a voice from metal and Ellorei's judgment was often made by the voice she could hear from an element, creature, or plant. It made Gaia's restriction of entering cities an easy one for her to keep. As a male voice emerged from the caravan, Ellorei's eyes narrowed. She wanted to be friendly, but until she had her answers that was going to be difficult, "Are you responsible for this? How many of you are there? What happened? Seriously, it looked like you set off an explosion? That's a bit unnecessary. Nothing warrants an explosion, at least not around here."