[center][h1]Vincent Ventri[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Vincent took hold of the main controls as the captain began to set them to course, the stone turner was the largest vessel that the old blackwing had ever flown, however he was confident in his skills as a pilot. Vincent began to run his hands over the dials and switches to get the massive ship moving, the captain called out his warning for the crew to grab hold, the jump was a new experience, something that he had never had to deal with in the smaller fighters he was accustomed to, though upon arrival, he was not disappointed. Vincent looked out over the red star, he had to shield his sensitive eyes but once he got a pair of sunglasses on he could look out over the majesty of the light, "This jumper truly is a marvel, never thought I would be so close to a star." Vincent sat back a bit as he looked it over, "Captain, Trozzk, is it known for anything important?"