[h3][color=ff0000]Hobgoblin Ren[/color][/h3] [color=ff0000] Aftermath /// Late Mourning>>> Early Afternoon // Day 5[/color] [hr][@Jangel13] Watching the Alpha's final stand; the wolf pitifully growling as it's life slowly faded, nearly brought Ren to tears. To waste the knowledge aquired from killing such a magnificent creature would be disrespectful to the memory of It's life, but first, to ease his own conscience, Ren first needed to put an end to the suffering of the rest of the wolves. Going around to each of the traps, his heart heavy with grief, Ren put the wolves out of their misery, one by one. However, the mighty Hobgoblin hesitated as he reached the final wolf.  This one was smaller than the others, clearly just barely old enough to hunt. The spear that it had run into drove shallowly into it's left shoulder, not deep enough to kill, but deep enough that the wolf would bleed out if something was not done. As Ren approached, the young wolf let out what was a mixture of a whimper and a growl; clearly fearful for it's life as it snapped it jaws in defense.  A large, grey hand shot forward, grabbing the wolf's muzzle, clamping it tightly shut as it brought the wolf's eyes up to the Hobgoblin's own. [Color=red]"[b]I [/b] am your Alpha now...[/color] Ren growled as he used  [b][Pack Leader][/b], [Color=red]"Hold still"[/color]. Slowly, he moved his hands to the the wound, holding it tightly shut as he carefully pulled the tip of the spear from the wolf's shoulder.  Dropping the bloodied spear on the ground, Ren clenched the wound with both of his hands until the bleeding finally stopped.  Knowing that such a solution would only be temporary, Ren knew he had to find some way to bind the wound shut.  Looking around, he noticed that a few of the surrounding trees had  papery, thin bark. Taking a sharp rock, he peeled several long pieces of bark from one of the trees before tearing each piece into multiple razor-thin strips.  Twisting several strips together and tying a large knot (proportion wise) on one end, Ren was able to create a primitive form of incredibly thin rope. Pulling a small rib from one of the nearby wolf corpses, the Hobgoblin used his sword to fashion the bone into a small soucher. Now with the nessessary tools, Ren threaded the rope through the needle before tying it on. Sticking the needle through the wolf's skin, Ren threaded it side-to-side in a zig-zag pattern, pulling each stitch tight as he went along. Several minutes of meticulous work seemed to pay off, the stitches holding as the Hobgoblin finished his work; tying another large knot at the end and cutting off the excess rope. Stepping back, Ren looked upon his handiwork with pride. Thanks to his quick thinking and creativity, this wolf would (hopefully) live. Tying the remainder of the rope as well as his needle around his wrist, Ren then began to gather up the wolf corpses. With all corpses in tow, and ready to leave, Ren lifted the wolf he saved; still weak from blood loss, onto his shoulders. Grabbing the rest of the Wolves by the scruff of their necks, and holding his sword in his mouth, the Hobgoblin began his arduous journey back to his hidden shrine. Though extremly exhausting due to the sheer weight of the corpses, Ren managed to make it back to Gatoven's shrine thanks to [b][Gravekeeper's Spirit][/b]. Nearly collapsing as he laid out his offerings, he offered a quiet prayer between gasps of breath in hopes of getting at least some sort of meaningful recognition from his god, [color=red]"Lord Gatoven, I have made good on my vow, and dedicate the spoils of my hunt to your name."[/color] Standing back to his feet, Ren looked over at the recovering wolf  that he had brought back (whom he had laid several yards away from the offerings). Knowing that Gatoven would get back to him at some point if his offering was deemed worthy, the goblin set out to find some horned rabbits for dinner.