[hr][h1][center][color=#ff6666]ELIF[/color][/center][/h1][hr] [center]* * *[/center] Elif knew the mechanisms of the human body well from years of idly staring at whatever medical documents happened to be near. The way muscles pulled and tightened on the inside was always covered by a thick layer of skin, discoverable only by thorough research. The titan´s head that peered over the wall disgusted her. It was a perversion of the human body, a network of exposed ligaments and tissue. Its appearance gave her the impression of being grotesque just by existing, being shameless and exposed. Elif´s mind was quick to register the titan but slow to act. How else would one process the worst possible outcome happening right in front of them? She ran with total abandon. The screaming was unlike anything she had ever heard before, more pained than any surgery she had ever witnessed. It was even worse when it would come to a halt, as it could only mean that the source had been stopped. Elif´s screams joined the rest of the stampede´s and she took off sprinting away from the vile titan. It was made frustrating by having to halt every few seconds in order to avoid crashing into another panicked villager, all while having to run around boulders that were once part of the wall. Even the occasional domestic animal blocked her path in the midst of its own run for survival. A multitude of thoughts raced throughout her head, but the most prominent one was needing to find her father. He had no way to defend them and was about to be overrun with patients, but she felt that they had to be together if they wanted to survive. The streets that she had spent so long calling home were now a frantic and constantly changing volley of information that her brain struggled to comprehend. She made out stores and landmarks that seemed more recognizable than others and ran towards them in the hopes of eventually reaching her destination. Her hurried mind reasoned that this was a more rational plan than choosing a route and sticking to it. The dread that gnawed on her insides grew more and more with each little store that she had managed to reach, and intensified at the sight of a stall she had known for years reduced to nothing more than a crater. Still, she had to go on.