[quote=@Retired] Or, just a thought. And this may be wild and crazy, but bear with me. We focus on the short term, don't plot out every single aspect of each post a year in advance like you said, and also just toss a date on there to keep some semblance of continuity moving forward. Especially if, in season two, [@Master Bruce] gives a hard start and finish dates to go by. Times aren't necessarily needed, but a date, at least, is always nice to make sure things gel together and we don't end up all crossing the streams. In open-world sandbox games that have various moving pieces, I find that to be the best way to maintain cohesion without future finagling. If this were a structured RP with a handful of players, I wouldn't date my posts, either. Not suggesting that this should be a mandatory rule by any mean, you all do what you want. But the whole "in the long run it doesn't matter so let's embrace timey-wimey narrative" seems odd to me. There are some things where stating in the long run it won't matter applies well, but I don't think this is one of them. [/quote] Just because I don't date mine doesn't means no one else should. Keep going if that's what works for you. I feel like MB would be in agreement with that philosophy. I just don't personally care to do it.