[@Spriggs27]Dude I'm not sure if that was intentionally meant to make me mad or not but to give you a straight up answer you want me to make sheets for the followings characters all in full? Claudius, Yuna, Dolton, Marcus, The Grand Patriarch, The Twins (yet to be introduced), and Severnus? That's eight total character sheets. That's straight up crap if you do. I'm the GM I'm already in control of the setting if you need to know something about them that is common knowledge, or someone would know I'd be happy to tell you however expecting me to go in depth for each, and everyone of them is asking a lot. I think I've already made it clear with Grey that my ability to make a character isn't in question. This isn't counting characters that I have not thought up of yet, and intend to introduce later including plot relevant characters who will show up later such as in the devil's kingdom arc which will bring with them a slew of new characters. [@Lucius Cypher] I still asked you to remove divine awareness for the sake of it being problematic when it comes to plot. Other than that I believe it is fine.