Interactions: Jocelyn - [@Almalthia], James - [@BladeSS4] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [color=6ecff6]"What are you doing?"[/color] [color=pink]"I'm going to heal her."[/color] [color=6ecff6]"How?"[/color] I hear the faint voices speak. I see nothing. Only darkness. It takes a few moments before I realize my eyes are just closed. [i]I will never let anyone know about that.[/i] Before I open them, I try to recall what happened before I apparently blacked out. [i]It's all so fuzzy…[/i] Then it hits me like a huge a wave. Flashes of the fight between myself and the Winter Soldier appear in my mind, like some oddly cinematic and well-edited yet poorly filmed montage. The memory keeps flooding back to me and I feel like my mind is about to explode. As I, once again, see the Winter Soldier roundhouse kick me in the face, I awake with a jolt and sit up. Before I'm able to take in my surroundings, I feel a surge of pain throughout my entire body but especially in my left thigh. Cringing, I groan as my upper body falls back to the ground. I catch myself with my elbow, taking deep breaths as I try to calm myself. [color=pink]"Lenora."[/color] I hear a feminine voice say. I dismiss it at first. [color=pink]"Lenora."[/color] The same voice says again. That's when it clicks in my head. Not only do I recognize the voice but I also remember that "Lenora" is the name I am currently going by as I pose as an American. I look up to see Jocelyn's face. Standing behind her is James and another man that I've never seen before. [color=6ecff6]"Oof. You look terrible."[/color] James says. [color=a187be]"What?"[/color] I reply, taken aback by his remark. [color=pink]"James."[/color] Jocelyn scolds [color=6ecff6]"Sorry. It's just… that's quite a bit of blood on her face."[/color] He explains. He goes to pick up a mirror that looks to have fallen during the fight and brings it over to me. Even though it's cracked, I can still see that my face has indeed been bloodied up. [i]Damn.[/i] [color=a187be]"Where… where is he?"[/color] I ask [color=pink]"Don't worry. James and I took care of the Winter Soldier."[/color] Jocelyn answers. I, at first, feel relief. I'm glad the Winter Soldier is gone. The further away he is, the better. But then I start to feel disappointment. Disappointment in myself. I should have been able to kill him. I'm a very capable fighter. Hell, I'm more than capable. I shouldn't have lost. Besides, he's not too different from me, save for the metal arm. But what I lack in cybernetics I make up for in inhuman powers. I'm just glad no one was around to see that little burst of power that occurred. It's always best to keep those things a secret. I try to sit up but once again, pain shoots through my body. [color=pink]"Don't worry, Lenora. The pain you're feeling isn't going to last long. I'm going to heal you."[/color] Jocelyn tells me [color=a187be]"What? How?"[/color] I ask, curiosity and suspicion laced in my voice. [color=pink]"You'll see."[/color]