There were a few, long moments of silence from Kaleeth. Her worries about her family had been in her mind long enough that it would take mroe than just a few words to rid her of them, but the mention of Julan was exactly what was needed to make her seriously consider it. Not to mention, the weight of Meesei's warning had put out of her mind any thoughts of just doing it later. "You...might be right. About Julan. He does deserve to know his family. I know what my father probably thinks of you, but Julan is still his grandson. I shouldn't be selfish." Kaleeth allowed herself to smile as she finally lifted up her head. "And he really needs to see more of Black Marsh. He barely ever has anyone to speak Jel to. He probably needs some practice in the language." Meesei, meanwhile, was just as hesitant in her response as Kaleeth, though her reasons were less obvious. She allowed herself time to think for just long enough to avoid being awkward. "Relax, for the most part. Given my position, I am still going to have my responsibilities, but hopefully less than I have had as of late. It is possible I could have some time to take for myself. Perhaps we should find the time to do, Sabine. Or even all of us together? I honestly cannot think of the last time we have all joined together for something outside our professional duties."