I've been looking over your interests and past characters, though many of the images aren't showing up on my computer. I have actually been musing on a potential plot that would combine Fantasy with Rebel vs Government. I was thinking of using a Fox/Drake kobold male as a character for myself with a setting starting in a large sewer/dungeon tunnel and cave complex that the Human/Elven Alliance Capital was built on top of. In this empire, both elves and humans would be the corrupt, slave owning, powerful, and dangerous upper class. Dwarves, gnomes, and possibly a couple other races would live at the peasant level. Most of the slaves would be inherently magical creatures that would be purchased/kept for specific reasons. I believe that your fire fairy character may be a good fit for this part, though I don't want to limit you. If this sounds interesting to you, please send me a PM and we can discuss it further without cluttering your search thread. [hider=Humor of the animal kind.] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-_Ww3bn1VbKA/UR-foWssIII/AAAAAAAAfbE/qob6vU8GgPk/s1600/funny-animal-pictures-with-captions-008-002.jpg[/img] [/hider]