[center][h1][color=c4df9b]Valencia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w300_and_h450_bestv2/x8Mr6UKn5CMw0w53SwHc08P3J9a.jpg[/img] [I]Location: The Framework Skills: N/A[/I][/center] [hr][hr] [color=c4df9b]“Sure thing, boss.”[/color] Val quickly said to Cassandra Reed who took charge of the operation and explained a thing or two. Frankly this was what she meant, they needed a chain of command for this test. It was after all a mission simulation and during a mission you always or at least most of the time had a superior agent who was calling the shots. For that Johnson wasn't really against it. She knew how an op was supposed to work and despite her gun ho adrenaline seeker personality, she was methodical when it came to work. Work was important, work put money on the table and with said money you could do more things in the long term. She needed a climbing rig. [color=c4df9b]“Roger~”[/color] She whistled and hopped on team Reed. It was an order after all and she was also the superior agent who had already went through the mission. Sticking with the ones who knew what was going on was usually a good plan. She made a quick mental note to remember what they were told about the guards. So Magneto was using humans... this was weird. Why humans?[color=c4df9b]” No, no other questions aside do we have lethal force use authorisation for enemy mutant targets?”[/color] This was the main question she needed to know. Easiest way to neutralise someone for good was killing them after all. Killing someone was way easier usually than fighting him until submission. Aside that she quickly repeated the names that Cassandra had spoken and the faces assossiated with them. She had to know whom was in a team with her after all. Mission details aside, Val thought about the simulation itself. It was weird to make them do it straight out without training to train their powers to a sufficient levels. It was like asking the powers to trigger during the mission without control. Maybe it was the point, to see if they can adapt fast enough? She was liking it already and her face showed it. She looked at hte first floor, her smile as wide as possible.