[center] [h1][u][b]Blood's Jewels[/b][/u][/h1] [h2][u][i]“Terreille in Trouble”[/i][/u][/h2] [/center] [hr] [@Torack] The Master of the Guard cringed as he saw the deep frown that flickered across Lucivar’s face. While there wasn’t much known about the Eyrien Warlord Prince, the simple fact was that he wore the Ebon-Grey and thus was not on to cross easily. He was dangerous. The Hyallian assassin could feel his limbs grow heavy and taunt as though a great weight pressed about him his shields doing very little to stop the oncoming force. Golden eyes flickered with panic. Death was bad enough, but if he had to face [i]her[/i] and explain his failure? That would be worse. Thanking his forethought to have cloaked himself in Crafted shields about his hand weapon as Lucivar sought to tear it from his grip with the Ebon-Grey, the assassin acted before he could be stopped. The silver blade jerked upwards at the same time as the assassin’s jewel lashed out at the small Queen before him. Karlianne’s blood spilling down the front of her dress as wide eyes stared in pain and shock as her jewel was burned out by the more powerful male. But the assassin did not gain time to boast as Lucivar’s next move closed off the assassin’s airway. Suffocating the man couldn’t bear to moved as the Queen in his arms gripped at the her throat. Sinking back against her killer, even as her eyes dulled. The life leaving her body as the assassin had stuck out with that last bolt of power to burn away the Queen’s left over power and what remained of her mind. A blessing perhaps as death would have been slow and painful. Tristan looked in horror, shoving Lucivar aside in an attempt to reach his Queen. A small woman who would no more be Queen, as she laid upon the wood polished floor. [@Deos Morran] Belor felt his wings that had been stiff with worry relax. “It involves you and your keep. As those who will be drawn to the Queen will be drawn here.” The Rose Jeweled Warlord Prince nodded in admittance that the commander had hit the nail on the head. “She would do a better job of explaining it but with the Hourglass Coven being hunted down… We thought it might be best to see where you stood upon such matters before granting full disclosure.” There was almost an apologetic note in the man’s voice, his head nodding in thoughts that were more for himself than Rathe. While this could very well be a trap, what Belor had heard of the Warlord Prince that commanded the Helios Warcamp- something he had taken to calling a ‘Fort’ for some strange reason- was that the man disliked the twisted queens greatly. Enough that he lived the life of a rogue and led many other men in such things. Of course there was always the odd woman, but not many.. They weren’t the targets of the Twisted Queens generally and often if they did have ties to the rogues. They were the spies inside of town and such. “Three will make the triangle about the Queen, and two of those three will gather here at Helios. As to where this Queen is…” The Warlord Prince shook his head in annoyance. “That would be for the Widow to answer and she will tell no one until those who are needed are gathered. Stubborn women.” [@NanoFreakV2] While more arrows followed the first, they did not pierce the deflecting shield that Crowglide had put about himself and his mount. A blessing perhaps, as the horse soon entered the cover of the woods. Rendering any more arrows near useless and less than an attempt. There was no noise of pursuit from behind the fleeing mount. For while the guards had been there it was more of an attempt to keep people out rather than in. More of a way to collect gold from tolls and taxes than to actually guard the citizens. For the Queen of the village was greedy. And while the village did have a slight ‘wall’ made of rough pastures surrounding the village, the main road was a road and thus carts found it more easy than hopping a fence. [@nohbdies] The first of the archers reached the door, a scraggly looking youth not even reaching his majority of twenty years. With an arrow nocked on his hunting bow and the string taunt with the intent to kill. There was a split second of silence in the cabin as the Hyallian Warlord managed to register what was going on. Though he failed to rise from the bed. A shared look of fury passed between the two as raw power surged from the Warlord, and the bow string snapped as the arrow was loosened to pin the Warlord to the bed. His eyes staring in shock at the shaft that protruded from his chest. But the boy was not still yet. His clothes were slightly burnt and blood encrusted his hands and arms. Mud covered the solid looking boots and his eyes were wild with terror and rage as he aimed the next arrow at the Healer and her escort. A hand shot out pushing the bow down as the second archer caught up. They both had the look of two who had been out hunting and had run into some disaster or mishap. “Watch her! That’s a Healer, Liran.” The breathless lad gasped out sharply. The first boy’s rage slowly draining as he looked at Artemis and started to shake from the shock. A green cast coming over the lad’s face.