[@Blueflame][@KatherinWinter] [color=0087BD]"Now, Mason."[/color] Rost began, stowing away the stock of post-it runes, [color=0087BD]"I know our colleagues harmed you quite significantly during your containment, and I know you are afraid; you have good reason to be."[/color] he explained calmly, taking a cautious step forward, [color=0087BD]"You're not the first to be brought into custody in such violent conditions, nor will you be the last."[/color] The tall mage crouched down to eye level with Mason, remaining a few feet away, [color=0087BD]"But you need to understand things from our point of view; We did not know what form of demon you were prior to your capture, and you refused to come peacefully. Several people had already been endangered by your other side beginning to awaken, and emergency measures had to be taken to contain you before anyone was seriously hurt. But that's over now, you are safe here; and we would like to make you an offer. Your fate rests entirely in the choice you make."[/color] he continued, maintaining a calm, reassuring tone. [color=0087BD]"Director, if you would be so kind as to explain to Mason what his options are?"[/color]