[center][h1][color=cyan]Princess Luna[/color][/h1] [img]http://mysterioussecrets.weebly.com/uploads/1/2/3/5/12350422/5261865_orig.gif[/img] [i]Location: Malekeith's Room, Port Witch Coven[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Luna's eyes turned towards the door when Fleur came into the room, the other woman seemed to refer the blond woman as their Witch Mother, she was indeed in the hands of the Port Witches now. Visibly she remained still and calm, but internally Luna was screaming and she wanted to fight back and run away. But as much as she wanted to, she was under the spell when yet another woman came into the room, the girl's skin was pale and her hair was dark. Luna also noticed she wore all black as well, when Fleur told Nera to hold the new girl down she assumed that she was there to possibly rescue her, just as Fleur used her [b]Darke Magyk[/b] to bind the woman with rope. Luna felt the grip on her loosen on her somewhat, she felt disoriented as Fleur got down close to her telling her that this was much better for her. Luna didn't believe it at all, she wanted to be back in the Castle with Myrus, and Valda she was scared and alone with all of these witches. Luna's eyes wondered over towards Fleur as she started the [b]CradelSnatching[/b] on her feeling the [b]Magyk[/b] starting to touch her now, she looked up at the man who just stood outside of the door. Luna listened to Nera speak, about the new girl noticing that the woman's nose bled slightly as she spoke to Fleur possibly recruiting the girl as well, calling her something that she didn't understand, but mentioned her brother as well. [color=magenta]"It looks like things are going to be getting interesting."[/color] The voice in Luna's head finally spoke up as she noticed some flashes of light in the corner of her eye.