[quote=@vancexentan] Morality is a scaleable thing in the Overlord universe. I simplified it by turning it into the normal DnD. In the universe it goes from -300 to 300 or roughly around that scale which makes it more difficult. Morality can't be scrapped both for mechanical reasons, skills effective against moral type enemies evil, or good, and personality doesn't fully encompass the morality scale. Hassan of Cursed Arm in the Fate/Stay Universe is chaotic/neutral evil yet he stalwartly in media that is not heaven's feel is commonly played out to be a relatively understanding, and or kind person who helps people. Momonga also is technically evil even though he himself has no interest in causing undue pain, and suffering only caring about the end result which could easily cross over into Chaotic Neutral, or even good. I also move to call your bluff if I make a Cs FOR ALL the characters within non-spoiler limits will you step down from your position for good? I will do it just to end this dicussion for good. [/quote] Vance, this is an rp not DnD we aren't doing dice rolls to do attacks, someone can constantly dodge someone else' attacks and run away if they wanted to, I know that the rp takes place in a game that's an rpg game but this isn't a DnD it's rpg, but if you say that our morality will aid us in the future of the rp then I'll simply wait to see it; but I will still say that you should see this as an rp first. What position? I'm just trying to tell you make a shortened cs for npcs, I don't believe npcs need some of the things in the cs, like the how a normal human would see me, Bio/lore, and personality because right now as you said they don't have a personality or real free will, it would make a little more sense to have the npcs develop their personalities as the rp happens. I'd argue that they wouldn't need morality, but as you said yourself it's a mechanic that will come into play.