It has been 10 years since Danny revealed his secret to everyone and saved the planet from the Disasteroid. He and the gang still fight the ghosts that escape the Ghost Zone and wreak havoc in Amity Park, however it seems that more and more ghosts are coming through the portal and it's become more than they can handle. Thus, the Phantom Force was formed, a group of high-school kids working with Danny, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker, learning from them and getting stronger. Whether you be half-ghost, or just a normal human, take up arms and help protect your home from ghosts old and new. Join the Phantom Force today! Rules: -Typical RP rules apply -Keep things PG-13 -You will be playing as high-schoolers, so you will be between the ages of 14-18 -This means you cannot play as a child of any of the characters. -As a human you can pick one Fenton Tech device and weapon each (not including the Fenton Thermos) -You may create your own device or weapon, but it must be approved by me. -As a half-ghost you will start off with the standard ghost powers (Intangibility, Invisibility, Flight, Supernatural Physical Abilities, Ghost Ray, Overshadowing, Spectral Body Manipulation) as well as Ghost Sense. -You can also pick one additional ghost power from the list below to start with, and may learn another as time goes on. -A note on overshadowing: You cannot overshadow another player character, as per typical RP rules. -A note on Ghostly Wail: Since you are still new at being a half-ghost, your Ghostly Wail will severely drain your energy, causing you to revert instantly and unable to 'go ghost' again until you rest and recooperate. -A note on Duplication: At the start, you will only be able to make one copy of yourself, later on you'll be able to make more. -Every character will have a wrist-mounted Fenton Thermos (hence why it's not included for human characters) -Only I will be controlling the main characters, you will be controlling your own characters only. -Some powers I have omitted because they are too overpowered, or because they are a sub power of another power on the list. -Will add any other rules if I think of them. List of Ghost Powers Cryokinesis Duplication Telekinesis Electrokinesis Ecto-Energy Constructions Pyrokinesis Ghostly Wail Ghost Portal Creation Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Race: (human or half-ghost) Appearance: Power: (half-ghost only) Gadget: (human only) Weapon: (human only) Bio: Other: Here is a website Rumiko found where you can make your own avatar